I want to wrap a function, that is to create a new function such that it would automatically pass some arguments to the old function, like Python's partial
functions. The arguments passed are the ones defined in the callee and not the caller. The important thing is that I don't want to refer to each of them explicitly (define them twice).
That is really done to save typing-in the same flags to complicated functions while allowing customization.
For example, in Python, I would do:
Or maybe use **kw
and pass it to the callee in some cases.
This is my best try (based on Wrapper function in PowerShell: Pass remaining parameters):
function Let
Param([parameter(mandatory=$true, position=0)][string]$Option,
[parameter(mandatory=$false, position=1, ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true)]$Remaining)
Get @Remaining
function Get
Param([parameter(mandatory=$false, position=0)][string]$OptionA,
[parameter(mandatory=$true, position=1)][string]$OptionB)
Write-Host $OptionA, $OptionB
But Let -Option c -OptionA 1
Prints -OptionA 1
which is obviously not what I intended.
That was hard! For this you would need to add a bit of code in DynmaicParams and begin section of the function.
It might be possible to do it in an Attribute
function x{
Might do it Later.
function Get
Param([parameter(mandatory=$false, position=0)][string]$OptionA,
[parameter(mandatory=$false, position=1)][string]$OptionB)
Write-Host "opta",$OptionA
Write-Host "optb",$OptionB
function Let
Param([parameter(mandatory=$true, position=0)][string]$Option,[parameter(mandatory=$false, position=0)][string]$OptionB)
DynamicParam {
AddWrapper -For "Get" -To "Let"
Begin {
$params = GetRestOfParams "Get" $PSBoundParameters
Process {
Get @params
Needed code:
using namespace System.Management.Automation
function Empt
Param([parameter(mandatory=$true, position=0)][string]$aaaa)
function AddWrapper([parameter(mandatory=$true, position=0)][string]$For,[parameter(mandatory=$true, position=1)][string]$To)
$paramDictionary = [RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary]::new()
$paramset= $(Get-Command $For).Parameters.Values | %{[System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter]::new($_.Name,$_.ParameterType,$_.Attributes)}
$paramsetlet= $(Get-Command empt).Parameters.Keys
$paramsetlet+= $(Get-Command $To).ScriptBlock.Ast.Body.ParamBlock.Parameters.Name | %{ $_.VariablePath.UserPath }
$paramset | %{ if ( -not ($paramsetlet -contains $_.Name) ) {$paramDictionary.Add($_.Name,$_)}}
return $paramDictionary
function GetRestOfParams($dst,$params)
$dstorgparams=$(Get-Command $dst).Parameters.Keys
$z= $params
$z.Keys | %{ if ( -not ($dstorgparams -contains $_) ) {$z.Remove($_)} } | Out-Null
return $z