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AWS CLI: Getting total available RDS instances & S3 buckets

I am trying to write a script that would save me going to the web Console every time I need checking how many RDS instances & S3 buckets I can create.

  • In the RDS section, there is a DB Instances (20/50) title, I need to get both the 20 and the 50
  • In the S3 bucket section, there is the total number of buckets. The implied max number is 100, but my company has increased it to 150. I need the number and the limit (as above).

Is that possible?


  • You can use AWS CLI to get all of these values.

    In the RDS section, there is a DB Instances (20/50) title, I need to get both the 20 and the 50

    Get the total number of RDS instances you can create:

    aws service-quotas get-service-quota \  
        --service-code rds \  
        --quota-code L-7B6409FD

    Get the current number of running RDS instances:

    aws rds describe-db-instances --region us-east-1 | grep DBInstanceIdentifier | wc -l

    In the S3 bucket section, there is the total number of buckets. The implied max number is 100, but my company has increased it to 150. I need the number and the limit (as above).

    Get the total number of S3 buckets you can create:

    aws service-quotas get-service-quota \  
        --service-code s3 \  
        --quota-code L-DC2B2D3D

    Get the current number of S3 bucket:

    aws s3api list-buckets | grep -w Name | wc -l