Below is a little program in C++ which is supposed to act as the cat linux binutil: it gets one or several inputs as detailed in the command line arguments (possibly specifying stdin via '-') and copy them onto the standard output. Unfortunately, it shows an unintended behaviour that I cannot understand the root causes of...
Upon the following command
./ccat - test.text
I hit CTRL-D directly without passing any character. I would expect the program to display anyway the content of test.txt, but instead, the program exits without passing any more characters onto the standard output stream.
Any idea on how I should correct my code below to have the correct behaviour in this situation? Should I handle multiple instances of the standard streams (cin, cout...)? If so, do you know how this can be achieved in C++?
Thank you in advance.
/**** ccat.cpp ****/
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc <= 1) {
cout << cin.rdbuf();
} else {
vector<string> inputs;
for (int i=1; i<argc; ++i) inputs.push_back(argv[i]);
for (auto &in: inputs) {
if (in == "-" || in == "--") {
cout << cin.rdbuf();
else {
ifstream *fd = new ifstream(in);
if (!fd->is_open()) cerr << "Cannot open file \'" << in << "\'\n";
else cout << fd->rdbuf();
delete fd;
return 0;
I tried the following commands in sequence:
$ ./ccat > test.txt
Let's try this text.
I would expect a correct behaviour.
$ ./ccat - test.txt # I hit CTRL-D directly without passing any character first
$ ./ccat - test.txt
But when I add some characters before hitting CTRL-D... This works fine.
But when I add some characters before hitting CTRL-D... This works fine.
Let's try this text.
I would expect a correct behaviour.
As the example shows, I would expect in any of the two cases (last two shell prompts) that test.txt gets displayed onto the standard output, but this occurs only if I inject characters through the standard input first. Hitting CTRL-D straight away makes the program exit prematurely.
That's overload 10 here;
basic_ostream& operator<<( std::basic_streambuf<CharT, Traits>* sb );
and it says
If no characters were inserted, executes
In other words, cout
is now in an error state and will not output anything.
first of all in the else
branch, or last of all in the if
branch, should do it.
Note that sending end-of-file to standard input is usually not something you can recover or "restart" from, so you might only be able to use one standard input "section".