I have a data frame with 5 columns, but I am interested in one column "Conditions". Within conditions column, I need to find a way to count the number of specific entries in a cell. Each column cell can have one entry or more than one entry separated by ( , ) . So my data frame looks something like
S.NO Conditions
11 Eye Color
12 Sound of your voice
13 Certain disease,Size of a palm,Eye Color
16 Eye Color,Hair color
17 Hair color,Height
18 Sound of your voice,Height
I want to count all the differnt entries/string at once. Total I have 35 list of different string in Conditions column and I want my Output something like this.
Eye color Sound of your voice Certain disease Size of a palm Hair color Height
3 2 1 1 2 2
Since i do not know the exact structure of the data, i assumed the data to be as below
data <- tribble(
~Conditions, ~value,
'Eye color', '3',
'Sound of your voice', '2',
'Certain disease, Size of a palm, Eye color', '1,1,2',
'Eye color, Hair color', '2,2',
'Hair color, Height', '3,1',
'Sound of your voice, Height', '1,4'
for the above data we can write the below code to get the expected result
Conditions <- unlist(strsplit(data$Conditions,','))
value <- unlist(strsplit(data$value,','))
df <- bind_cols(Conditions,value) %>% setNames(c('Conditions', 'value')) %>%
mutate(across(everything(), ~trimws(.x)), value=as.numeric(value)) %>%
arrange(Conditions) %>% group_by(Conditions) %>% slice_head(n=1) %>%
mutate(row=row_number()) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = Conditions, values_from =value)
# A tibble: 1 × 7
row `Certain disease` `Eye color` `Hair color` Height `Size of a palm` `Sound of your voice`
<int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 1 3 2 1 1 2