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redis.exceptions.DataError: Invalid input of type: 'dict'. Convert to a bytes, string, int or float first

Goal: store a dict() or {} as the value for a key-value pair, to set() onto Redis.


import redis

r = redis.Redis()

value = 180

my_dict = dict(bar=value)

r.set('foo', my_dict)
redis.exceptions.DataError: Invalid input of type: 'dict'. Convert to a bytes, string, int or float first.


  • You cannot pass a dictionary object as a value in the set() operation to Redis.

    However, we can use either pickle or json to get the Bytes of an object.

    Whichever you already have imported would be optimal, imho.


    Serialize to pickle (with pickle.dumps) pre-set()

    import pickle
    my_dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
    dict_bytes = pickle.dumps(my_dict)
    r.set('my_key', dict_bytes)

    Deserialize the object (dict) (with pickle.loads) post-get():

    dict_bytes = r.get('my_key')
    my_dict = pickle.loads(dict_bytes)

    JSON string

    Serialize to JSON string (with json.dumps) pre-set()

    import json
    my_dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
    dict_str = json.dumps(my_dict)
    r.set('my_key', dict_str)

    Deserialize the object (dict) (with json.loads) post-get():

    dict_str = r.get('my_key')
    my_dict = json.loads(dict_str)