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PowerBI: Group by in line charts

I have a line chart in PowerBi that shows the price of an index every hour. How can I show in the same chart the daily average of prices?

I have computed a measure which calculates it, but when i plot in the hourly chart the average is no longer daily but hourly.

Here is an example: for simplicity, let us say that days have 3 hours, what I want to compute in PowerBi is the last column:

day hour price daily_average
1/1/2023 1 100 150
1/1/2023 2 150 150
1/1/2023 3 200 150
1/2/2023 1 50 60
1/2/2023 2 60 60
1/2/2023 3 70 60

I would like to plot a graph with both "price" and "daily_average".


  • What you need to do is to create a measure where you remove Hour from filtere context, ALL(Sample1[hour]):

    DailyAVG = CALCULATE( AVERAGE(Sample1[price]), ALL(Sample1[hour]) )

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