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How to know if a given device is in the list of supported devices for ARCore?

I am using Google CoreAR package in my React-Native app for AR support. There are some devices which support AR and some not. I am getting error while I run the application in non-supported devices. I want to render a message instead showing error on the screen. For this Google CoreAR package is providing the solution which is not working for me.

void maybeEnableArButton() {
  ArCoreApk.Availability availability = ArCoreApk.getInstance().checkAvailability(this);
  if (availability.isTransient()) {
    // Continue to query availability at 5Hz while compatibility is checked in the background.
    new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
      public void run() {
    }, 200);
  if (availability.isSupported()) {
  } else { // The device is unsupported or unknown.

The problem with above code snippet is that availability.isSupported() is always returning true and that's why else part of code is not running. Can you guys please help me with this? Thank you.


  • I found solution for this problem. ArCoreApk.Availability has some methods which can be used. You can find these methods in the documentation. The method ArCoreApk.Availability return either SUPPORTED_INSTALLED or SUPPORTED_NOT_INSTALLED depending on device support. So based on this return value we can do the stuff.

    I did like this.

      public ArCoreApk.Availability getSupport(){
        ArCoreApk.Availability availability = ArCoreApk.getInstance().checkAvailability(this.getReactApplicationContext());