Given the following using R:
County_or_City <- c("Butte County", "Oroville", "Solano Cnty", "Redding", "Maripossa county")
1 Butte County
2 Oroville
3 Solano Cnty
4 Redding
5 Maripossa county
I would like to create a new column with a dummy variable for rows that contain Cnty, County, or county. Sorry I know this is very basic, but I'm learning. What do I do???
Using base R
dummy = grepl('C(ou)?nty', County_or_City, = TRUE))
County_or_City dummy
1 Butte County TRUE
2 Oroville FALSE
3 Solano Cnty TRUE
4 Redding FALSE
5 Maripossa county TRUE