I want to create a pandas DataFrame with five columns: date, house type, neighborhood, realtor and zip code.
I can add the consecutive dates to the date column, however, I have trouble in adding the rest of the data, which I think should be nested in for loops. So far, I have these lines:
import pandas as pd
from datetime import date,timedelta
delta = timedelta(days=1)
start = date(2023,8,1)
loop_date = start
df = pd.DataFrame(columns={"Date", "House type", "Neighborhood", "Realtor", "Zipcode"})
while loop_date<=end:
df = df.append({"Date":loop_date},ignore_index=True)
The intended output for each day would be the following:
Date | House type | Neighborhood | Realtor | Zipcode |
8/1/23 | 1 | a | Alex | 10018 |
8/1/23 | 2 | a | Alex | 10018 |
8/1/23 | 3 | a | Alex | 10018 |
8/1/23 | 4 | a | Alex | 10018 |
8/1/23 | 1 | a | Maggie | 10018 |
8/1/23 | 2 | a | Maggie | 10018 |
8/1/23 | 3 | a | Maggie | 10018 |
8/1/23 | 4 | a | Maggie | 10018 |
8/1/23 | 1 | a | Ginger | 10018 |
8/1/23 | 2 | a | Ginger | 10018 |
8/1/23 | 3 | a | Ginger | 10018 |
8/1/23 | 4 | a | Ginger | 10018 |
8/1/23 | 1 | a | Pat | 10018 |
8/1/23 | 2 | a | Pat | 10018 |
8/1/23 | 3 | a | Pat | 10018 |
8/1/23 | 4 | a | Pat | 10018 |
Any help would be much appreciated, thank you!
try this:
import pandas as pd
from itertools import product
house_types = [1,2,3,4]
realtors = [*'ABCDEF']
neighborhood = ['a']
zip_code = ['10018']
daily_data = product(house_types, realtors, neighborhood, zip_code)
dates = pd.date_range('2023-8-1', '2023-9-1')
data = product(dates, daily_data)
idx, data = zip(*data)
cols = ["House_type", "Realtor", "Neighborhood", "Zipcode"]
df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=idx, columns=cols).rename_axis('Date')
House_type Realtor Neighborhood Zipcode
2023-08-01 1 A a 10018
2023-08-01 1 B a 10018
2023-08-01 1 C a 10018
2023-08-01 1 D a 10018
2023-08-01 1 E a 10018
... ... ... ... ...
2023-09-01 4 B a 10018
2023-09-01 4 C a 10018
2023-09-01 4 D a 10018
2023-09-01 4 E a 10018
2023-09-01 4 F a 10018