I have the following methods:
Mono<User> doSomething1(String username) {
return userService
.doOnError(error -> LOG.error(error.getMessage(), error));
Mono<User> doSomething2(String username) {
return userService
.doOnError(error -> LOG.error(error.getMessage(), error));
Mono<Void> processUser(User user){
return Mono.empty();
When I call doSomething1("test_user")
I get a Mono with the expected user.
However when I call doSomething2("test_user")
the Mono simply completes without emitting any User
item. Any idea why this is?
It happens because processUser
returns Mono<Void>
and technically there is nothing to zip with
Here is a description of the zipWhen
Wait for the result from this mono, use it to create a second mono via the provided rightGenerator function and combine both results into a Tuple2.
In your case rightGenerator
returns Mono.empty()
and it completes the flow.
Using zipWhen
here is a little strange until you want to mutate User
in processUser
. I would rather use flatMap
that is more natural here
return userService
.flatMap(user ->