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Predict function in R not giving an interval

I'm trying to use predict() in R to compute a prediction interval for a linear model. When I tried this on a simpler model with only one covariate, it gave the expected output of a point estimate with a confidence interval. When I added a categorical predictor to the model, the predict() output gives what seems like a single-point estimate with no interval. I've Googled to no avail. Can anyone tell me what I've done wrong here?

medcost <- data.frame(
  ID = c(1:100),
  charges = sample(0:100000, 100, replace = T),
  bmi = sample(18:40, 100, replace = T),
  smoker = factor(sample(c("smoker", "nonsmoker"), 100, replace = TRUE))

mod2 <- glm(charges ~ bmi + smoker, data = medcost)

predict(mod2, interval="predict",
        newdata = data.frame(bmi=c(29, 31.5), smoker=c("smoker", "smoker")))


  • If you want to have the standard error, you could use = TRUE like this:

    mod2 <- glm(charges ~ bmi + smoker, data = medcost)
    predict(mod2, interval="predict",
            newdata = data.frame(bmi=c(29, 31.5), smoker=c("smoker", "smoker")),
   = TRUE)
    #> $fit
    #>        1        2 
    #> 47638.66 47106.14 
    #> $
    #>        1        2 
    #> 4304.220 4475.473 
    #> $residual.scale
    #> [1] 28850.85

    Created on 2023-01-17 with reprex v2.0.2

    I would recommend you having a look at this post: R: glm(...,family=poisson) plot confidence and prediction intervals