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Problem launching TYPO3 via DDEV on Linux: Call to undefined function Composer\Autoload\includeFile()

I need to setup ddev with TYPO3 10.4 on public server (I know it's not a good practise, it's just to show a demo to the client). On my local machine (Windows + WSL2 + Docker + DDEV + Composer) everything works perfect, but when I start my project on the Linux suddenly there are some errors.

I have checked permissions, there is a newest version of composer, docker and ddev installed.


[ Error ]
Call to undefined function Composer\Autoload\includeFile()

Failed to execute command vendor/bin/typo3cms extension:activate site: exit status 1

Task failed: Exec command 'cd frontend && npm ci && npm run prod' in container/service 'web': exit status 130

Task failed: Exec command 'vendor/bin/typo3cms database:updateschema' in container/service 'web': exit status 1

It looks like it can't execute commands, but I can't find any meaningful reason why. I will be glad for any ideas.


  • You need to install most new version of typo3-console.

    Your problem is described here: