I have a hugo project setup based on this theme and have the below project structure.
Inside the aws > index.md
file, I want to have a link which opens up how-we-use > index.md
. I tried below (and a lot other things), but every time I click it, it give me 404.
Tried below in aws > index.md
- [How we use AWS](./how-we-use)
- [How we use AWS](/how-we-use)
- [How we use AWS](/learning/aws/how-we-use)
Below is my how-we-use > index.md
title = "How we use AWS"
aliases = "/learning/aws/how-we-use/"
Hi There
Also, tried changing this alias to /how-we-use/
and /how-we-use
but still doesn't work.
baseurl = "https://welcome-page"
title = "welcome"
theme = "hugo-universal-theme"
themesDir = "./themes"
languageCode = "en-us"
uglyURLs = false
# Site language. Available translations in the theme's `/i18n` directory.
defaultContentLanguage = "en"
# Define the number of posts per page
paginate = 10
# not pluralize title pages by default
pluralizelisttitles = false
name = "Learnings"
identifier = "menu.learnings"
url = "/img/learnings.png"
weight = 4
name = "Learnings"
identifier = "section.learnings"
url = ""
weight = 1
parent = "menu.learnings"
post = 1
name = "AWS"
identifier = "learning.aws"
url = "/aws"
weight = 1
parent = "section.learnings"
How to get this cross reference to work ?
p.s - if I change the name of the files to _index.md
, then no content is displayed and I just see the title getting displayed but nothing else.
md link format []()
could be used with full link [](https://...)
or with anchor [](#anchor)
, but you need relative link and hugo has another syntax for it: []({{< ref "" >}})
According to Hugo documentation index.md can be reference either by its path or by its containing folder without the ending /. _index.md can be referenced only by its containing folder.
So try it:
[How we use AWS]({{< ref "/how-we-use" >}})
It works with my ananke theme. But you could try also:
[How we use AWS]({{< ref "/how-we-use/index" >}})
[How we use AWS]({{< ref "/learning/aws/how-we-use" >}})
[How we use AWS]({{< ref "/learning/aws/how-we-use/index" >}})