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Pandas filter list of list values in a dataframe column

I have a dataframe like as below

sample_df = pd.DataFrame({'single_proj_name': [['jsfk'],['fhjk'],['ERRW'],['SJBAK']],
                              'single_item_list': [['ABC_123'],['DEF123'],['FAS324'],['HSJD123']],

I would like to do the below

a) Pick the value from single_item_list for each row

b) search that value in multi_item_list column of the same row. Please note that it could be list of lists for some of the rows

c) If match found, keep only that matched values in multi_item_list and remove all other non-matching values from multi_item_list

d) Based on the position of the match item, look for corresponding value in multi_id list and keep only that item. Remove all other position items from the list

So, I tried the below but it doesn't work for nested list of lists

for a, b, c in zip(sample_df['single_item_list'],sample_df['multi_item_list'],sample_df['multi_id']):
    for i, x in enumerate(b):
        if a[0] in x:
            pos = x.index(a[0])

I expect my output to be like as below. In real world, I will have more cases like 1st input row (nested lists with multiple levels)

enter image description here


  • Here is one approach which works with any number of nested lists:

    def func(z, X, Y):
        A, B = [], []
        for x, y in zip(X, Y):
            if isinstance(x, list):
                a, b = func(z, x, y)
                A.append(a), B.append(b)
            if x == z:
                A.append(x), B.append(y)
        return A, B
    c = ['single_item_list', 'multi_item_list', 'multi_id']
    df[c[1:]] = [func(z, X, Y) for [z], X, Y in df[c].to_numpy()]


      single_proj_name single_item_list single_id           multi_proj_name         multi_item_list           multi_id
    0           [jsfk]        [ABC_123]    [1234]         [AAA, VVVV, SASD]  [[ABC_123], [ABC_123]]  [[29481], [5432]]
    1           [fhjk]         [DEF123]    [5678]  [QEWWQ, SFA, JKKK, fhjk]                [DEF123]            [57567]
    2           [ERRW]         [FAS324]   [91011]              [ERRW, TTTT]                [FAS324]             [8775]
    3          [SJBAK]        [HSJD123]  [121314]             [SJBAK, YYYY]               [HSJD123]            [43512]