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Add path for mobileprovision file in exportOptionsPlist option when exporting ipa file with xcodebuild

I am using following command to export an ipa-File from a created iOS application archive:

xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath app.xarchive -exportOptionList ExportOptions.plist -exportPath build

In my ExportOptions.plist file I have an entry which specifies which mobileprovision file should be used:


filename_for_provisioning_file is located in my home directory which seems to be a valid location where the file is searched by xcodebuild.


Is there a possibility to add a specific path in ExportOptions.plist which points to filename_for_provisioning_file ?


  • No, there is no possibility "to add a specific path in ExportOptions.plist which points to filename_for_provisioning_file".

    You must specify a provisioning profile that is installed.

    Installed provisioning profiles are stored under /Users/<YOUR_USER_NAME>/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/

    If you run xcodebuild --help on the terminal, you will see towards the end a section named "Available keys for -exportOptionsPlist:", that states

    provisioningProfiles : Dictionary

        For manual signing only. Specify the provisioning profile to use for each executable in your app. Keys in this dictionary are the bundle identifiers of executables; **values are the provisioning profile name or UUID to use.**

    If, for any reason (such as continuous integration etc), you'd like to automate the process of 'installing' the provisioning profile, you could refer to this answer and read the larger discussion under that question for more context and information.