Have tried to use ITFoxtec in my webform application but getting an error as below when I click on Login. I have registered the app in my default directory of my Azure AD.
<appSettings> <add key="Saml2:Issuer" value="urn:itfoxtec:identity:saml2:testwebapp" /> <add key="Saml2:SingleSignOnDestination" value="https://test-adfs.itfoxtec.com/adfs/ls/" /> <add key="Saml2:SingleLogoutDestination" value="https://test-adfs.itfoxtec.com/adfs/ls/" /> <add key="Saml2:SignatureAlgorithm" value="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha256" /> <add key="Saml2:CertificateValidationMode" value="None" /></appSettings>
This I have added in the web.config
I think you need an administrator to consent/approve your application in Azure AD.
The config in the question looks like the sample config, and not the config you are using.