I am asked to configure the Azure Firewall Policy Rule collection with most commonly used Network Rules and Application Rules.
I have gathered the following details where in I have captured the most commonly used Network Rules and Application Rules. However I am not sure if I am missing anything that is considered as the most common rule?
resource "azurerm_firewall_policy_rule_collection_group" "fwpolrcg" {
name = "fwpolicy-rcg"
firewall_policy_id = azurerm_firewall_policy.fwpol.id
priority = 100
network_rule_collection {
name = "network_rule_collection1"
priority = 100
action = "Allow"
rule {
name = "AllowHubToSpokeRDP"
protocols = ["TCP","UDP"]
source_addresses = var.hub_firewall_ip_range
destination_addresses = var.spoke_firewall_ip_range
destination_ports = ["3389"]
rule {
name = "AllowSpokeToHubRDP"
protocols = ["TCP","UDP"]
source_addresses = var.spoke_firewall_ip_range
destination_addresses = var.hub_firewall_ip_range
destination_ports = ["3389"]
rule {
name = "AllowHubToSpokeHTTPS"
protocols = ["TCP"]
source_addresses = var.hub_firewall_ip_range
destination_addresses = var.spoke_firewall_ip_range
destination_ports = ["443"]
rule {
name = "AllowSpokeToHubHTTPS"
protocols = ["TCP"]
source_addresses = var.spoke_firewall_ip_range
destination_addresses = var.hub_firewall_ip_range
destination_ports = ["443"]
rule {
name = "AllowHubToSpokeDNS"
protocols = ["TCP","UDP"]
source_addresses = var.hub_firewall_ip_range
destination_addresses = var.spoke_firewall_ip_range
destination_ports = ["53"]
rule {
name = "AllowSpokeToHubDNS"
protocols = ["TCP","UDP"]
source_addresses = var.spoke_firewall_ip_range
destination_addresses = var.hub_firewall_ip_range
destination_ports = ["53"]
application_rule_collection {
name = "application_rule_collection1"
priority = 100
action = "Allow"
rule {
name = "Windows Update"
source_addresses = ["*"]
fqdn_tags = [
rule {
name = "AllowMicrosoftFqdns"
source_addresses = ["*"]
destination_fqdns = [
protocols {
port = "80"
type = "Http"
protocols {
port = "443"
type = "Https"
rule {
name = "AllowFqdnsForOsUpdates"
source_addresses = ["*"]
destination_fqdns = [
protocols {
port = "80"
type = "Http"
protocols {
port = "443"
type = "Https"
rule {
name = "AllowImagesFqdns"
source_addresses = ["*"]
destination_fqdns = [
protocols {
port = "80"
type = "Http"
protocols {
port = "443"
type = "Https"
rule {
name = "AllowAzure"
source_addresses = ["*"]
destination_fqdns = [
protocols {
port = "80"
type = "Http"
protocols {
port = "443"
type = "Https"
rule {
name = "AllowBing"
source_addresses = ["*"]
destination_fqdns = [
protocols {
port = "80"
type = "Http"
protocols {
port = "443"
type = "Https"
rule {
name = "AllowGoogle"
source_addresses = ["*"]
destination_fqdns = [
protocols {
port = "80"
type = "Http"
protocols {
port = "443"
type = "Https"
depends_on = [azurerm_firewall_policy.fwpol]
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment to create Azure Firewall Policy Rule Collection Rules using Terraform:
Note: Make sure that define all rules in collection section inorder to block or deny the action.
See the document to create Azure Firewall Collection Group using Terraform.
Terraform code:
provider "azurerm" {
features {}
resource "azurerm_resource_group" "Thejesh" {
name = "Thejesh-resources"
location = "West Europe"
resource "azurerm_firewall_policy" "example" {
name = "example-fwpolicy"
resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.Thejesh.name
location = azurerm_resource_group.Thejesh.location
resource "azurerm_firewall_policy_rule_collection_group" "example" {
name = "example-fwpolicy-rcg"
firewall_policy_id = azurerm_firewall_policy.example.id
priority = 500
application_rule_collection {
name = "app_rule_collection1"
priority = 500
action = "Deny"
rule {
name = "app_rule_collection1_rule1"
protocols {
type = "Http"
port = 80
protocols {
type = "Https"
port = 443
source_addresses = [""]
destination_fqdns = ["*.microsoft.com","*.cdn.mscr.io",
network_rule_collection {
name = "network_rule_collection1"
priority = 400
action = "Deny"
rule {
name = "network_rule_collection1_rule1"
protocols = ["TCP", "UDP"]
source_addresses = [""]
destination_addresses = ["", ""]
destination_ports = ["80", "1000-2000"]
nat_rule_collection {
name = "nat_rule_collection1"
priority = 300
action = "Dnat"
rule {
name = "nat_rule_collection1_rule1"
protocols = ["TCP", "UDP"]
source_addresses = ["", ""]
destination_address = ""
destination_ports = ["80"]
translated_address = ""
translated_port = "8080"
Terraform plan:
Terraform Apply
Once ran the code resources created with Azure Firewall Policy.
Rule collection inside Azure Firewall.
Application Rules in Azure Firewall: