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ply lexmatch regular expression has different groups than a usual re

I am using ply and have noticed a strange discrepancy between the token re match stored in t.lex.lexmatch, as compared with an sre_pattern defined in the usual way with the re module. The group(x)'s seem to be off by 1.

I have defined a simple lexer to illustrate the behavior I am seeing:

import ply.lex as lex

tokens = ('CHAR',)

def t_CHAR(t):
    t.value = t.lexer.lexmatch
    return t

l = lex.lex()

(I get a warning about t_error but ignore it for now.) Now I feed some input into the lexer and get a token:


I get a LexToken(CHAR,<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x100fb1eb8>,1,0). I want to look a the match object:

m = _.value

So now I look at the groups: => 'h' as I expect. => 'h' as I expect. => 'h', yet I would expect it to not have such a group.

Compare this to creating such a regular expression manually:

import re
p = re.compile(r'.')
m2 = p.match('hello')

This gives different groups: = 'h' as I expect. = 'h' as I expect. gives IndexError: no such group as I expect.

Does anyone know why this discrepancy exists?


  • In version 3.4 of PLY, the reason this occurs is related to how the expressions are converted from docstrings to patterns.

    Looking at the source really does help - line 746 of

    c = re.compile("(?P<%s>%s)" % (fname,f.__doc__), re.VERBOSE | self.reflags)

    I wouldn't recommend relying on something like this between versions - this is just part of the magic of how PLY works.