I've been trying to apply a terraform project but I have been receiving this weird error I cannot find a solution to. the deployment section:
############# the deployment section #############
resource "kubernetes_deployment" "dep_apps" {
for_each = var.apps
metadata {
name = each.value.appName
namespace = each.value.appName
labels = {
name = each.value.labels.name
tier = each.value.labels.tier
spec {
replicas = 3
strategy {
type = "RollingUpdate"
rolling_update {
max_surge = "25%"
max_unavailable = "25%"
selector {
match_labels = {
name = each.value.labels.name
tier = each.value.labels.tier
template {
metadata {
name = each.value.appName
namespace = each.value.appName
labels = {
name = each.value.labels.name
tier = each.value.labels.tier
spec {
container {
name = each.value.appName
image = each.value.image
resources {
limits = {
cpu = "500m"
memory = "512Mi"
requests = {
cpu = "200m"
memory = "256Mi"
############# the replica section #############
resource "kubernetes_horizontal_pod_autoscaler_v1" "autoscaler" {
for_each = var.apps
metadata {
name = "${each.value.appName}-as"
namespace = each.value.appName
labels = {
name = each.value.labels.name
tier = each.value.labels.tier
spec {
scale_target_ref {
api_version = "apps/v1"
kind = "ReplicaSet"
name = each.value.appName
min_replicas = 1
max_replicas = 10
############# the loadbalancer section #############
resource "kubernetes_service" "load_balancer" {
for_each = toset([for app in var.apps : app if app.appName == ["app1", "app2"]])
metadata {
name = "${each.value.appName}-lb"
labels = {
name = each.value.labels.name
tier = each.value.labels.tier
spec {
selector = {
app = each.value.appName
port {
name = "http"
port = 80
target_port = 8080
type = "LoadBalancer"
the variables section:
variable "apps" {
type = map(object({
appName = string
team = string
labels = map(string)
annotations = map(string)
data = map(string)
image = string
default = {
"app1" = {
appName = "app1"
team = "frontend"
image = "nxinx"
labels = {
"name" = "stream-frontend"
"tier" = "web"
"owner" = "product"
annotations = {
"serviceClass" = "web-frontend"
"loadBalancer_and_class" = "external"
data = {
"aclName" = "acl_frontend"
"ingress" = "stream-frontend"
"egress" = ""
"port" = "8080"
"protocol" = "TCP"
"app2" = {
appName = "app2"
team = "backend"
image = "nginx:dev"
labels = {
"name" = "stream-frontend"
"tier" = "web"
"owner" = "product"
annotations = {
"serviceClass" = "web-frontend"
"loadBalancer_and_class" = "external"
data = {
"aclName" = "acl_backend"
"ingress" = "stream-backend"
"egress" = ""
"port" = "8080"
"protocol" = "TCP"
"app3" = {
appName = "app3"
team = "database"
image = "Mongo"
labels = {
"name" = "stream-database"
"tier" = "shared"
"owner" = "product"
annotations = {
"serviceClass" = "disabled"
"loadBalancer_and_class" = "disabled"
data = {
"aclName" = "acl_database"
"ingress" = "stream-database"
"egress" = ""
"port" = "27017"
"protocol" = "TCP"
been trying to add mode maybe cpu utilization but didn't work (before I added the error was on all 3 - app1,2,3)
type = "RollingUpdate"
rolling_update {
max_surge = "25%"
max_unavailable = "25%"
some errors I've received and kubectl data:
kubectl get deployments ->
app1 0/3 3 0 34m
kubectl rollout status deployment app1 ->
error: deployment "app1" exceeded its progress deadline
kubectl get namespace ->
app1 Active 6h16m
app2 Active 6h16m
app3 Active 6h16m
default Active 4d15h
kube-node-lease Active 4d15h
kube-public Active 4d15h
kube-system Active 4d15h
kubectl get pods ->
app1-7f8657489c-579lm 0/1 Pending 0 37m
app1-7f8657489c-jjppq 0/1 ImagePullBackOff 0 37m
app1-7f8657489c-lv49l 0/1 ImagePullBackOff 0 37m
kubectl get pods --namespace=app2
app2-68b6b59584-86dt8 0/1 ImagePullBackOff 0 38m
app2-68b6b59584-8kr2p 0/1 Pending 0 38m
app2-68b6b59584-jzzxt 0/1 Pending 0 38m
kubectl get pods --namespace=app3
app3-5f589dc88d-gwn2n 0/1 InvalidImageName 0 39m
app3-5f589dc88d-pzhzw 0/1 InvalidImageName 0 39m
app3-5f589dc88d-vx452 0/1 InvalidImageName 0 39m
The errors are obvious: ImagePullBackOff
and InvalidImageName
. Unless you have copy+pasted and edited the terraform variable values, then you have a typo in the image name for all three apps:
image = "nxinx"
image = "nginx:dev"
image = "Mongo"
The first one should sort itself out if you fix it from nxinx
to nginx
. The second one will not work, as there are no image tags dev
for the nginx
image. Last, but not the least, the Mongo
image should be mongo
(lowercase). It is important to understand that you cannot use arbitrary image names. If you do not specify a container registry, it will default to using Docker Hub in most cases. Since that is the case, you have to make sure you are using the expected naming convention for the images. Additionally, it is also important to understand how to debug things in Kubernetes. If you had just tried reading the logs of any of the Pods (but you should do it anyway for all of them) you would have probably seen the error yourself. For example:
kubectl get pod app1-7f8657489c-579lm -n app1