I am trying to get the Vec<u8>
or String
(or more ideally a Blob ObjectURL) of a file uploaded as triggered by a button click.
I am guessing this will require an invisible <input>
somewhere in the DOM but I can't figure out how to leverage web_sys
and/or gloo
to either get the contents nor a Blob ObjectURL.
A js-triggered input probably won't do the trick, as many browsers won't let you trigger a file input from JS, for good reasons. You can use label
s to hid the input if you think it is ugly. Other than that, you need to wiggle yourself through the files
api of HtmlInputElement
. Pretty painful, that:
use js_sys::{Object, Reflect, Uint8Array};
use wasm_bindgen::{prelude::*, JsCast};
use wasm_bindgen_futures::JsFuture;
use web_sys::*;
pub fn init() {
// Just some setup for the example
let window = window().unwrap();
let document = window.document().unwrap();
let body = document.body().unwrap();
while let Some(child) = body.first_child() {
// Create the actual input element
let input = document
.expect_throw("Create input")
.set_attribute("type", "file")
.expect_throw("Set input type file");
let recv_file = {
let input = input.clone();
Closure::<dyn FnMut()>::wrap(Box::new(move || {
let input = input.clone();
wasm_bindgen_futures::spawn_local(async move {
.add_event_listener_with_callback("change", recv_file.as_ref().dyn_ref().unwrap())
.expect_throw("Listen for file upload");
recv_file.forget(); // TODO: this leaks. I forgot how to get around that.
async fn file_callback(files: Option<FileList>) {
let files = match files {
Some(files) => files,
None => return,
for i in 0..files.length() {
let file = match files.item(i) {
Some(file) => file,
None => continue,
console::log_2(&"File:".into(), &file.name().into());
let reader = file
.expect_throw("Reader is reader");
let mut data = Vec::new();
loop {
let chunk = JsFuture::from(reader.read())
// ReadableStreamReadResult is somehow wrong. So go by hand. Might be a web-sys bug.
let done = Reflect::get(&chunk, &"done".into()).expect_throw("Get done");
if done.is_truthy() {
let chunk = Reflect::get(&chunk, &"value".into())
.expect_throw("Get chunk")
.expect_throw("bytes are bytes");
let data_len = data.len();
data.resize(data_len + chunk.length() as usize, 255);
chunk.copy_to(&mut data[data_len..]);
&"Got data".into(),
(If you've got questions about the code, ask. But it's too much to explain it in detail.)
And extra, the features you need on web-sys
for this to work:
version = "0.3.60"
features = ["Window", "Navigator", "console", "Document", "HtmlInputElement", "Event", "EventTarget", "FileList", "File", "Blob", "ReadableStream", "ReadableStreamDefaultReader", "ReadableStreamReadResult"]
If you're using gloo
with the futures
feature enabled, the second function can be implemented much more neatly:
async fn file_callback(files: Option<FileList>) {
let files = gloo::file::FileList::from(files.expect_throw("empty files"));
for file in files.iter() {
console_dbg!("File:", file.name());
let data = gloo::file::futures::read_as_bytes(file)
.expect_throw("read file");
console_dbg!("Got data", String::from_utf8_lossy(&data));