I am looking to mock up this query in my code ("select max(a) from public.abc where id = %d"
The way I am mocking this line is
maxOfA := 1
maxOfARows := sqlmock.NewRows([]string{"a"}).AddRow(maxOfA)
suite.mock.ExpectQuery("select max(a) from public.abc co where id = \\$1").WithArgs(1).WillReturnRows(maxOfARows)
And I am seeing this error
Query: could not match actual sql: "select max(a) from public.abc where id = 1" with
expected regexp "select max(a) from public.abc where id = 1"
What is the right way to mock the max() such sql functions
My mistake was that i wasnt wrapping up my mock query within (regexp.QuoteMeta()). wrapping up the query within the quotemeta did resolve my issue Reference: https://pkg.go.dev/regexp#QuoteMeta
Not deleting this post hoping it to help someone like me.