Here is the method causing the error:
class Kilpailu():
def __init__(self, nimi, pituuskm, osallistujat):
self.nimi = nimi
self.pituuskm = pituuskm
self.osallistujat = osallistujat
def kilpailu_ohi(self):
for i in self.osallistujat:
if (i.getKuljettuMatka>=self.pituuskm):
return True
return False
edit: here is also where getKuljettuMatka is defined
class Auto:
def __init__(self, rekisteritunnus, huippunopeus):
self.rekisteritunnus = rekisteritunnus
def getKuljettuMatka(self):
return int(self.KuljettuMatka)
I am trying to call the method that just returns a boolean value and print whether the value is true or false.
class main():
autot = []
for i in range(10):
auto = Auto("ABC-" + str(i + 1), random.randint(100, 200))
k = Kilpailu("Suuri romuralli", 8000, autot)
tunnit = 0
print(k.kilpailu_ohi()) #Should return true/false, instead throws an error
and here is the actual console output for the error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/root/PycharmProjects/ohjelmisto1/Harjoitustehtävät/Assosisaatio/", line 51, in <module>
class main():
File "/root/PycharmProjects/ohjelmisto1/Harjoitustehtävät/Assosisaatio/", line 59, in main
File "/root/PycharmProjects/ohjelmisto1/Harjoitustehtävät/Assosisaatio/", line 45, in kilpailu_ohi
if (i.getKuljettuMatka>=self.pituuskm):
TypeError: '>=' not supported between instances of 'method' and 'int'
I have tried changing stuff in the method like variable names in case i was accidentally overwriting something but it didnt work either
def getKuljettuMatka(self):
defines .getKuljettuMatka
on instances of Auto
as a method (that happens to return an integer). You can call the method with i.getKuljettuMatka()
(note the parentheses), but what you're doing is comparing the method itself to self.pituuskm
, which is an integer, and that doesn't work.
def kilpailu_ohi(self):
for i in self.osallistujat:
if (i.getKuljettuMatka() >= self.pituuskm):
return True
return False
By the way, I think the code is a bit roundabout in other ways, but this is you main issue right now.