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How to turn a LaTeX Sweave file (Rnw) into HTML?

I searched for this, but couldn't find a solution.

I understand that one could use the HTML markdown with Sweave, and then output it to HTML using:

Sweave('temp1.rnw', driver = RweaveHTML)

What I am wondering though, is if there a way to turn the .tex file that is created into an HTML file, but through R.

p.s: I am looking for a solution for windows. I've seen that other OS already has their own solutions.



  • TeX to HTML is a non-trivial task, because TeX is so general. As @richiemorrisroe said, mk4ht is available on Windows. So is tth (the other method suggested at the Vanderbilt page you linked to). I don't think you want to write a TeX parser in R ... Can you tell us why you want a pure-R solution? Is it just for the sake of having the solution self-contained?

    I don't think the installation is really that hard. This should get you most of the way there ...

    TTHurl <- ""
    SWconvurl <- ""
    unzip("") ## creates tth_exe
    Sys.chmod(c("tth_exe","sweave2html"),mode="0755") ## ???

    You will need ImageMagick (binary downloads here) too if you want to convert PDF to PNG on the fly ...

    tth is a little less general than mk4ht, which contains a complete (La)TeX parser, but it's also more lightweight -- useful if you want to give this recipe to other users to install and don't want them to have to download oodles of stuff (unfortunately ImageMagick is pretty big -- these days, you can probably concoct a solution where you generate the images in PNG in Sweave in the first place).