When I export my database from phpMyAdmin (quick method), it does not include CHECK
constraints. However, when I run SHOW CREATE TABLE table
, I see the constraints. Moreover, foreign constraints are backed up.
In addition, when I take the backup using mysqldump, CHECK
constraints are included in the file.
Is there any way to tell phpMyAdmin to include the CHECK
constraints in the backup?
I have checked the "custom" method, but I do not see any option.
CHECK constraints are not yet supported by the latest phpMyAdmin version 5.2.0.
This is overdue, because CHECK constraints have been supported since MySQL 8.0.16 (2019-04-25) and MariaDB 10.2.1 (2016-07-04).
There are issues showing that they are aware of the feature request.
They currently schedule it for the phpMyAdmin 5.3.0 milestone, but they have not publicized a due date for that milestone. The intervals between milestones are irregular, between 4 and 13 months. For example, here's the history of recent milestones:
So your guess is as good as mine when it will be released.
In the meantime, you must use mysqldump.