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Render Text in SDL using C#

I am using SDL to render graphics like lines and pixels using C#. I have to display some text on screen as well. I haven't found any resource on this topic on the internet. Most of the code that I wrote is translated from C++. Now I need to render text and I am not able to translate its C++ implementation into C# since the classes used are not seem to be available in C#.

I have found this great C++ implementation for rendering text:

I need to know how to do this in C#.

Code sample is highly appreciated.


  • SDL2-CS is a good wrapper for SDL with TTF:

    The implementation you gave would be implemented like this:

    static void SdlWithSDL2CS(nint renderer)
        nint Sans = SDL_ttf.TTF_OpenFont("Sans.ttf", 24);
        SDL_Color White = new();
        White.r = White.g = White.b = White.a = 255;
        nint surfaceMessage = SDL_ttf.TTF_RenderText_Solid(Sans, "put your text here", White);
        // now you can convert it into a texture
        nint Message = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, surfaceMessage);
        SDL_Rect Message_rect;
        Message_rect.x = 0;
        Message_rect.y = 0;
        Message_rect.w = 100;
        Message_rect.h = 100;
        SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, Message, (nint)null, ref Message_rect);

    Note that instead of struct* the library uses nint to represent pointers which won't require the unsafe keyword.

    If you're looking for a different SDL library with TTF support, then sdlsharp ( is a good alternative.