I have below the table sourced from Flat file:
01/02/2023 | TX | C1 | G1 | T1 | I1 | 1.234 |
01/02/2023 | TX | C1 | G1 | T1 | I2 | 1.234 |
01/02/2023 | TX | C1 | G1 | T1 | I3 | 1.234 |
01/02/2023 | TX | C1 | G1 | T1 | I4 | 1.234 |
01/03/2023 | PL | C2 | G2 | T3 | I5 | 1.234 |
01/03/2023 | PL | C2 | G2 | T3 | I6 | 2.234 |
01/03/2023 | PL | C2 | G2 | T3 | I7 | 3.234 |
01/03/2023 | PL | C2 | G2 | T3 | I8 | 3.234 |
In a table visual, the requirement is:
Note: I have tried groups by, inner join based on a composite key, removing duplicates and all but none yield the results that I am looking for.
Help is greatly appreciated
In PowerQuery, do the following.
Highlight first 5 columns and keep duplicates
Expand the All column to get ITEM back.
Remove the count column as not required
Source = Table.FromRows(Json.Document(Binary.Decompress(Binary.FromText("i45WMjDUNzDSNzIwMlZQ0lEKiQCRzoYg0h1MhoBJTzBpqGdkbKIUq0O0LiOydBmTpcsEU5cxXFeAD1gX2D3uYDIELO5pSpYuMxBpRKoucxBpTKouCyRdsQA=", BinaryEncoding.Base64), Compression.Deflate)), let _t = ((type nullable text) meta [Serialized.Text = true]) in type table [DATE = _t, STATE = _t, CODE = _t, GROUP = _t, TYPE = _t, ITEM = _t, COST = _t]),
#"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source,{{"DATE", type date}, {"STATE", type text}, {"CODE", type text}, {"GROUP", type text}, {"TYPE", type text}, {"ITEM", type text}, {"COST", type number}}),
#"Grouped Rows" = Table.Group(#"Changed Type", {"DATE", "STATE", "CODE", "GROUP", "TYPE", "COST"}, {{"Count", each Table.RowCount(_), Int64.Type}, {"All", each _, type table [DATE=nullable date, STATE=nullable text, CODE=nullable text, GROUP=nullable text, TYPE=nullable text, ITEM=nullable text, COST=nullable number]}}),
#"Kept Duplicates" = let columnNames = {"DATE", "STATE", "CODE", "GROUP", "TYPE"}, addCount = Table.Group(#"Grouped Rows", columnNames, {{"Count.1", Table.RowCount, type number}}), selectDuplicates = Table.SelectRows(addCount, each [Count.1] > 1), removeCount = Table.RemoveColumns(selectDuplicates, "Count.1") in Table.Join(#"Grouped Rows", columnNames, removeCount, columnNames, JoinKind.Inner),
#"Expanded All" = Table.ExpandTableColumn(#"Kept Duplicates", "All", {"ITEM"}, {"ITEM"}),
#"Removed Columns" = Table.RemoveColumns(#"Expanded All",{"Count"})
#"Removed Columns"