Hello and thank you in advance for your time.
I am running into an issue with some inheritance and interface implementation. Simplified code samples below for reference.
Problem: I am receiving a message from intellisense that `'Send' cannot implement 'Send' because there is no matching Function on interface 'IRequest'.
Goal: I want to implement Send like so: Public Async Function Send() As Task(of TR.Response)
while including it as a requirement when implementing IRoute.
I've tried various combinations of implementations and done a good deal of reading but don't seem to be able to get around it and can't quite phrase my question well enough to find other similar situations.
Namespace BM
Interface IRoute
Interface IRequest
ReadOnly Property SyncUrl As String
ReadOnly Property AsyncUrl As String
Function Send() As Task(of IResponse)
End Interface
Interface IResponse
End Interface
End Interface
End Namespace
Namespace BM
Public Class TR : Implements IRoute
Public Class Request : Implements IRoute.IRequest
Public ReadOnly Property SyncUrl As String = "someString" Implements IRoute.IRequest.SyncUrl
Private ReadOnly Property AsyncUrl As String = "someOtherString" Implements IRoute.IRequest.AsyncUrl
Public Async Function Send() As Task(of TR.Response) Implements IRoute.IRequest.Send
'do stuff in here
End Function
End Class
Public Class Response : Inherits Response(Of TRResource)
Public Class TRResource
End Class
End Class
End Class
End NameSpace
Namespace BM
Partial Public MustInherit Class Response(Of T) : Implements IRoute.IResponse
End Class
Public Class ResourceSet(Of T)
End Class
End Namespace
Firstly I would highly recommend not having Interfaces within Interfaces. Also the TR doesn't need to implement IRoute as there no properties, methods, and events in it to implement
The reason it doesn't like Send is because the IRequest interface uses Of IRoute.IResponse and the method uses Of TR.Response so it doesn't recognize it. They need to match.