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Save swipe item to firebase realtime in xamarin form

I want to save the swipe selected to firebase. but idk how to do it and cant find any solution to internet.

This is my codes in swipe view

<SwipeView x:Name="swipe_orderstatus">

                                    <SwipeView.RightItems >
                                        <SwipeItems >
                                            <SwipeItem Text="Received"


then this is what I've tried in code behind.

  private void SwipeItem_Invoked_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //  string swipeIt
            //  string swipeViewItem= swipe var picker = (Picker)sender;
            //    int selectedIndex = picker.SelectedIndex;
            var swipeView = (SwipeView)sender;
            string swipeViewItem= swipeView

thank you in advance.


  • you can get the selected item using the BindingContext

    var swipeView = (SwipeView)sender;
    var item = (MyClass)swipeView.BindingContext;

    where MyClass is the name of the class representing your model