I have a code:
for(n in 1:n){
mergeCells(wb, 1, cols = (4*n):(4*n+3), rows = 1:1)
if ((4*n)>nc) {break
However it produces an error:
Merge intersects with existing merged cells:
Remove existing merge first.
I do have some merged cells in L1:Q1. However the error shouldn't have occured since I specified the loop to break once 4n > nc (where nc=10). When n=3, 4n> nc and the loop should break. The 10th cell is J1, not L1, so the merged cells shouldn't overlap.
for the third iteration of the loop, the code tries to merge L1:O1: (n <- 3; LETTERS[(4*n):(4*n+3)]
), and this occurs before the break line. Swapping the order of the lines in the loop should fix it:
for(n in 1:n){ ##should this be for(n in n:nc)
if ((4*n)>nc) {break}
mergeCells(wb, 1, cols = (4*n):(4*n+3), rows = 1:1)
Obviously without the dataset wb
it isn't possible to check.