I lately wrote a bit that shall smooth out the extends of a 0-1 range. Out of curiousity I measured the performance of two possibilities to acchieve the same end result. What came out is that this:
_ = (Mathf.Sin(-1.57079633f + (time * 3.14159265f)) + 1) * 0.5f; // Sin + 4o
faster than this
_ = Mathf.Cos(time * 3.14159265f) * -0.5f + 0.5f; // Cos + 3o
even though the former has more operations?
And it's not faster by just some tiny bit, it's approximately 31% faster.
For time t
a constant of 0.5f was used.
There's no difference in using Sin or Cos for either, I did test for that in case the algorithm behind those functions would be the cause.
Since Mathf
is a Unity thing i tested it using System.Math.
as well to make sure this isn't the cause, the results are roughly the same exept that System.Math.
is overall a tiny bit slower since it calculates a double that then has to be cast to a float (Single)
Is Someone able to enlighten me why this is the case? I'd be interessted in undestanding why this is.
Addendum: Testing code
var sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
for (int i = 0; i < 500000; i++)
_ = (Mathf.Sin(-1.57079633f + (time * 3.14159265f)) + 1) * 0.5f; // Sin + 4o
print($"Sin calc time = {sw.ElapsedTicks * 0.0001f}ms ({sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms)");
for (int i = 0; i < 500000; i++)
_ = Mathf.Cos(time * 3.14159265f) * -0.5f + 0.5f; // Cos + 3o
print($"Cos calc time = {sw.ElapsedTicks * 0.0001f}ms ({sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms)");
When using a value of 0.5
for time
, the call to Math.Sin()
ends up calling Math.Sin(0)
- and I suspect that the implementation of Math.Sin()
has an optimisation for that case that just returns 0.
The value passed to Math.Cos()
, however, will be ~1.5707963705062866
, and it's likely that this will NOT have a similar optimisation.
The fact that your time
value was const
also means that the compiler can pre-calculate the values passed to Math.Sin()
and Math.Cos()
which means that it doesn't matter if the calculation for Math.Sin()
contains more operations, since they will not be performed at run-time.