I have a table of containing records with negative numbers:
ID | Location | Temperature |
1 | Paris | -1 |
2 | London | -2 |
3 | Berlin | -3 |
4 | Moscow | -4 |
5 | Rome | -5 |
6 | Warsaw | -6 |
7 | Madrid | -7 |
8 | Amsterdam | -8 |
9 | Milan | -9 |
10 | Zurich | -10 |
(my actual records and values are more numerous and more complex, but this should help illustrate the issue)
I want to get the minimum, first quartile, median, third quartile, maximum of the temperature values, but in reverse.
For instance, in my example I would have:
Aggregate | Value |
Minimum | -1 |
First quartile | -2.5 |
Median | -5 |
Third quartile | -7.5 |
Maximum | -10 |
The problem as I see it is that my numbers are negative. So when I run:
SELECT PERCENTILE_CONT(0.25) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY "city_temperatures"."temperature") AS percentile_temperature FROM "city_temperatures"
I actually get the value third quartile as opposed to the first quartile.
What's the best way to handle negative numbers in a query like this?
SELECT percentile_cont(0.25) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY t.temperature DESC) AS pct_temp
FROM city_temperatures t;
You might get all of it as array in a single calls with:
SELECT percentile_cont('{0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1}'::float8[])
WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY t.temperature DESC) AS pct_temps
FROM city_temperatures t;