I want to find the cards closest to a given point and calculate the distance. link postgis
However I can't execute the query in symfony:
$results = $this->createQueryBuilder('p')
->orderBy('(geog <->) ST_Point(:lon, :lat)', 'DESC')
->setParameter('lng', $lng)
->setParameter('lat', $lat)
My error:
[Syntax Error] line 0, col 64: Error: Expected Doctrine\ORM\Query\Lexer::T_CLOSE_PARENTHESIS, got '<'
-> I understand that DQL is not supported, but I don't understand how, on symfony 6.2, to get <-> to work.
So I also tested this solution:
$conn = $emi->getConnection();
$sql = '
SELECT * FROM fiche f
ORDER BY geog <-> ST_Point(7, 49) limit 9
$stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);
$resultSet = $stmt->executeQuery();
I have the results in an array but I don't have the mapping of the objects of the 'Form' entity (I find this solution too brutal)
I also use the doctrine-postgis bundle. I also want in a second step to add the distance (between the lgn and lat variable) and the 9 results in a 'distance' field of my entity (which I have not mapped to the ORM)
public ?float $distance = null;
My class:
class Poi
#[ORM\Column(nullable: true)]
private ?float $latitude = null;
#[ORM\Column(nullable: true)]
private ?float $longitude = null;
#[ORM\Column(type: PostGISType::GEOGRAPHY, nullable: true)]
private string $geog;
public ?float $distance = null;
Doctrine allows you to extend DQL with new functions. That is exactly what the doctrine postgis extension does, and you can have a look at how exactly it does so by checking for instance the files in https://github.com/jsor/doctrine-postgis/tree/main/src/Functions.
You can also extend DQL by yourself. To do this, since you use Doctrine inside Symfony, you should follow Symfony's documentation about registering custom doctrine functions: https://symfony.com/doc/current/doctrine/custom_dql_functions.html. It refers to Doctrine's own documentation about creating custom DQL functions, but the way you register them once the PHP classes have been declared is different.
Then you implement <->
as a function, so that MyNewFunction(A, B)
in DQL will compile to A <-> B
in postgres. You do this because (as far as I know) you cannot define custom operators in Doctrine, only custom functions. You can look at this stackoverflow question to see how another user handled a similar issue: https://github.com/semin-lev/ltree-extension-bundle/blob/master/DqlFunction/LtreeOperatorFunction.php.