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How can I use postgis distance operator (<->) with doctrine?

I want to find the cards closest to a given point and calculate the distance. link postgis

However I can't execute the query in symfony:

 $results = $this->createQueryBuilder('p')
            ->orderBy('(geog <->) ST_Point(:lon, :lat)', 'DESC')
            ->setParameter('lng', $lng)
            ->setParameter('lat', $lat)

My error:

[Syntax Error] line 0, col 64: Error: Expected Doctrine\ORM\Query\Lexer::T_CLOSE_PARENTHESIS, got '<'

-> I understand that DQL is not supported, but I don't understand how, on symfony 6.2, to get <-> to work.

So I also tested this solution:

 $conn = $emi->getConnection();

    $sql = '
          SELECT * FROM fiche f
         ORDER BY geog <-> ST_Point(7, 49) limit 9
    $stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);
    $resultSet = $stmt->executeQuery();

I have the results in an array but I don't have the mapping of the objects of the 'Form' entity (I find this solution too brutal)

I also use the doctrine-postgis bundle. I also want in a second step to add the distance (between the lgn and lat variable) and the 9 results in a 'distance' field of my entity (which I have not mapped to the ORM)

 public ?float $distance = null;

My class:

class Poi
 #[ORM\Column(nullable: true)]
    private ?float $latitude = null;

    #[ORM\Column(nullable: true)]
    private ?float $longitude = null;

    #[ORM\Column(type: PostGISType::GEOGRAPHY, nullable: true)]
    private string $geog;
    public ?float $distance = null;


  • Doctrine allows you to extend DQL with new functions. That is exactly what the doctrine postgis extension does, and you can have a look at how exactly it does so by checking for instance the files in

    You can also extend DQL by yourself. To do this, since you use Doctrine inside Symfony, you should follow Symfony's documentation about registering custom doctrine functions: It refers to Doctrine's own documentation about creating custom DQL functions, but the way you register them once the PHP classes have been declared is different.

    Then you implement <-> as a function, so that MyNewFunction(A, B) in DQL will compile to A <-> B in postgres. You do this because (as far as I know) you cannot define custom operators in Doctrine, only custom functions. You can look at this stackoverflow question to see how another user handled a similar issue: