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Additional methods to the generated Panache REST Data resource using repository pattern

I'm using Quarkus with Hibernate Reactive and Panache REST Data. I'm using the Repository pattern. I would like to use the PanacheRepositoryResource and add a custom endpoint that calls a method in the EntityRepository, but I don't know how to inject the entityRepository since it is an interface.

    public interface EntityResource extends PanacheRepositoryResource<EntityRepository, Entity, Long> {
        default Uni<List<Entity>> repositoryMethod() {
            return entityRepository.customMethod(); // <-- How can I inject my repository?

Any ideas?


  • You can do something like this:

        public interface EntityResource extends PanacheRepositoryResource<EntityRepository, Entity, Long> {
            default Uni<List<Entity>> repositoryMethod() {
                return CDI.current().select(EntityRepository.class).get().customMethod();