In the data service project in Wso2 Integration Studio, I want to query from mongo DB and print the result.I cannot run a data containing # character through wso2 integration studio. My query is running via Mongo Compass.When I query the data that does not contain # characters, it works in wso2 integration studio.
The data in mongo is as follows:
"_id": {
"id": "urn:ngsi-ld:Building:47445",
"type": "",
"servicePath": "/"
Below is my query that pulls the data from mongo in wso2:
collectionName.count({"_id.type": ''})
The error I get is this:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Not enough parameters passed to query: {"_id.type": ''}
denotes an input parameter mapping in a Mongo query, Hence it's mandatory to parse an input parameter to the query if you have a #
. One way to get around this is to remove the # when inserting the record. Another option is to use a regex pattern like below to count the records.
collectionName.count({'_id.type': {'$regex': 'data-models.*.Building'}})
You can read more on regex patterns here.