I am creating a cross-tabulation table in R with the tbl_cross funtion using @daniel-d-sjoberg's gtsummary package. I am trying to figure out how to specify the output column widths with gtsummary so I can modify the width of the first column in the table. In addition, I want to take advantage of gtsummary's formatting options like bolding and breaking table captions over two lines (by specifying " \n" in the modify_caption statement). The problem is, I can't seem to break a caption over multiple lines AND specify a column width. My starting point was to use the following code, which breaks the caption, correctly, onto two lines:
mytable <- iris %>%
mutate(Long.Petal = ifelse(Petal.Width > .2, "Yes", "No")) %>%
row = Long.Petal,
col = Species,
percent = "cell"
) %>%
modify_caption("This is line 1 \n This is lin 2")
This outputs the following table:
After reviewing the documentation, it looks like the only way I can find to modify the column widths is by converting the table to a flextable using gtsummary's as_flex_table and then specifying the column widths. So, to do this, I modified the code above to change the width of the first column to 3 inches by adding two additional lines of code as indicated in the comments in the revised code below:
mytable <- iris %>%
mutate(Long.Petal = ifelse(Petal.Width > .2, "Yes", "No")) %>%
row = Long.Petal,
col = Species,
percent = "cell"
) %>%
modify_caption("This is line 1 \n This is lin 2") %>%
as_flex_table() %>% #NEW CODE LINE 1
width(., 1, 3) #NEW CODE LINE 2
This code produces the output below, which has now incorrectly placed lines 1 and 2 of the table caption onto a single line.
Is there a way, preferably in gtsummary with tbl_cross or its options to specify the column widths AND break a table caption across multiple lines?
Thanks to the hint of @DanielD.Sjoberg now we can do it this way. We first must transfer the gt_summary tbl to a gt object using as_gt()
(and not only gt()
-> this won't work) then we can use cols_width()
What is also important to select the correct column we could do: taken from @DanielD.Sjoberg comment above:
. You can see all the underlying colnames with show_header_names()
. There are a bunch of hidden columns ,so we can reference the column by their index number.See here https://gt.rstudio.com/reference/cols_width.html
iris %>%
mutate(Long.Petal = ifelse(Petal.Width > .2, "Yes", "No")) %>%
row = Long.Petal,
col = Species,
percent = "cell"
) %>%
modify_caption("This is line 1 \n This is lin 2") %>%
as_gt() %>%
"label"~ px(250)