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Jackrabbit - node.getReferences() not returning anything

I'm trying to add a reference but when I call node.getReferences() I can't see it.

I've tried creating a simple example -> create 2 nodes under root and reference one from the other. That works fine.

In my working code it doesn't. I'm guessing it's got something to do with versioning but I can' find any doc's explaining what's going on. Let me explain the structure

  |__project node
       |__ node 1
       |__ node 2

All nodes have mix:versionable and mix:referenceble.

Bit of code...

         node2.setProperty("ref to node1", node1);;

         if (!node1.getReferences().hasNext())
             System.out.println("No references");

I've tried removing the checkout's and the save but all to no avail.

Any comments or recommended reading appreciated.



  • The code you listed should work as you expect. Are you using some remoting layer (RMI, WebDAV, etc.) that might have a bug in the way references are handled?

    You can try for example the following code with a local Jackrabbit instance:

    Node root = session.getRootNode().addNode("test");
    Node node1 = root.addNode("node1");
    Node node2 = root.addNode("node2");
    node2.setProperty("reference", node1);;
    System.out.println("References to " + node1.getPath() + ":");
    for (Property reference : JcrUtils.getReferences(node1)) {
        System.out.println("- " + reference.getPath());

    It prints out the following:

    References to /test/node1:
    - /test/node2/reference