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Monthly averages to daily granularity

I have a dataframe which is monthly averages which looks like the following;

    A  B  C  D  E
1   3  21 3 22 3
2   4  32 3 24 0
3   5  1  12 3 12
11  5  4  9  85  85 3
12  43 4  48 3  84  4

I'm looking to convert this data to a daily timeframe so that the dataframe would be a ten year timeseries and each value would correspond to its' monthly value. For example;

           A  B  C  D  E
01/01/2010 3  21 3 22 3
02/01/2010 3  21 3 22 3
31/01/2010 3  21 3 22 3
30/12/2020 43 4 48 84 4
31/12/2020 43 4 48 84 4

Any help much appreciated!



  • You can reindex:

    idx = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', '2020-12-30', freq='D')
    out = df.reindex(idx.month).set_axis(idx)


                   A     B     C     D    E
    2010-01-01   3.0  21.0   3.0  22.0  3.0
    2010-01-02   3.0  21.0   3.0  22.0  3.0
    2010-01-03   3.0  21.0   3.0  22.0  3.0
    2010-01-04   3.0  21.0   3.0  22.0  3.0
    2010-01-05   3.0  21.0   3.0  22.0  3.0
    ...          ...   ...   ...   ...  ...
    2020-12-26  43.0   4.0  48.0  84.0  4.0
    2020-12-27  43.0   4.0  48.0  84.0  4.0
    2020-12-28  43.0   4.0  48.0  84.0  4.0
    2020-12-29  43.0   4.0  48.0  84.0  4.0
    2020-12-30  43.0   4.0  48.0  84.0  4.0
    [4017 rows x 5 columns]