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discordpy2 button interaction.edit_original_response() returning 404 not found (error code :10015)

I am attempting to make a menu in a bot using buttons in a slash command.

My code:

    class helpbclass(discord.ui.View):

      def __init__(self):
        self.value = None

      async def general(self, interaction: discord.Interaction,
                        button: discord.ui.Button):
                        await interaction.response.edit_original_response('general')

      async def moderation(self, interaction: discord.Interaction,
                           button: discord.ui.Button):
                        await interaction.edit_original_response(content='moderation')

      @discord.ui.button(label="QUIT",, emoji="📜")
      async def quit(self, interaction: discord.Interaction,
                     button: discord.ui.Button):
                        await interaction.edit_original_response(content='quit')
                        self.value = False

                         description="Menu testing",
    async def test(interaction: discord.Interaction):
      await interaction.response.defer()
      #code for embed
      view = helpbclass()
      await interaction.followup.send(embed=embed, view=view)
      # i also tried interaction.response.send_message, without the response.defer() at top

The problem It returns the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/runner/AtlaReboot/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/discord/ui/", line 425, in _scheduled_task
    await item.callback(interaction)
  File "", line 61, in moderation
    await interaction.edit_original_response(content='moderation')
  File "/home/runner/AtlaReboot/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/discord/", line 462, in edit_original_response
    data = await adapter.edit_original_interaction_response(
  File "/home/runner/AtlaReboot/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/discord/webhook/", line 218, in request
    raise NotFound(response, data)
discord.errors.NotFound: 404 Not Found (error code: 10015): Unknown Webhook

My question: I checked the error code meaning, why does it return a webhook error? How can I get the original embed I sent in the command output to be edited with another embed when a button is pressed?


  • I'm quite unfamiliar with the discord wrapper you are using, as it has a rather odd order of callback parameter. I usually see button come before the interaction parameter but anyway try deferring the interaction before doing edit_original_message in each callback.