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Openlayers WFS how to find all necessary parameters

I would like to add WFS to my map. I know the example on but I have problem with my custom url

     const vectorSource = new VectorSource({
  format: new GeoJSON(),
  url: function (extent) {
    return (
      '' +
      extent.join(',') +
  strategy: bboxStrategy,


The problem how to identify all the parameters such: typename, output Format, EPSG ect from only url?

Can someone help me to prepare correct url for openlayers?


  • The format must be WFS as the service does not support application/json output. request should be GetFeature (not GetFeatures). version is also required (1.1.0 is the WFS format default).

    This works for me but the service does not support CORS so a proxy or browser override will be needed

    const vectorSource = new VectorSource({
      format: new WFS(),
      url: function (extent) {
        return (
          '' +
          'version=1.1.0&request=GetFeature&typename=gugik:SkorowidzDanychPomiarowychLIDAR2022&' +
          'srsname=EPSG:3857&' +
          'bbox=' +
          extent.join(',') +
      strategy: bboxStrategy,