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RUNNING TOTAL with ARRAYFORMULA that can SUM and SUBTRACT if cell values changes

I'm trying to calculate the cumulative total in a column. It needs to sum or subtract if the value of (A) cell is set to buy or sell. here is an example:

A (task) B (qtty) C (total) calculation explanation
buy 10 10 sum 10
buy 10 20 sum 10
sell 5 15 subtract 5
buy 20 35 sum 20
sell 10 25 subtract 10

I´m using the folowing formula:

={"Total", ARRAYFORMULA(IF(LEN(A2:A),IF(A2:A="buy",SUMIF(ROW(B2:B),"<="&ROW(B2:B),B2:B), "NEED CODE FOR SELL" ),))}

Is there another way to do the calc?

I don't want to use negative values to subtract, because the values are used in other formulas.

Thanks in advance.


  • try this:

    =SCAN(0,A2:A,LAMBDA(ac,cv,if(cv="",,ac + ifs(cv="buy",OFFSET(cv,,1),cv="sell",-OFFSET(cv,,1)))))

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