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How to use the value of a running pace in LibreOffice Calc?

So basically, I have a sheet where speeds in kilometers per hour (km/h) are written in cells. I sometimes convert these speeds into paces (in minutes per kilometer (mn/km)). To do so, I apply the integer function to an inverse function used on the speed divided by 60 -> INT(1/(speedCell/60)). This gives me the minutes part of the pace. For example, let's admit that I have a speed of 13 km/h; the pace of that speed is 4'36/km. The formula gives me the minutes : =INT(1/(13/60)) -> 4.

Now I need to get the seconds part. I do it using the truncate function over the subtraction of the speed converted directly into a pace and the integer part of the pace. Formula applied : =TRUNC((1/(13/60)-INT(1/(13/60)))*60) -> 36. Simplified, this is : =PACE(minutes and seconds)-PACE(minutes) -> seconds.

Here comes the problem. I format these two formulas into : =FORMULA1&"'"&FORMULA2"/km". My question is : How can I use the result, now that it is being formatted with a string in the middle of the formula?

I used to use the format styling to add a unit behind the value; but since there is an apostrophe in the middle of the formula, I don't know how to do it.

Thank you for your help, don't hesitate to ask, if you have questions over the understanding of the problem.


  • I'm not sure if I understood correctly. But instead of concatenating the pace parts "manually", I recommend building a time value from the minutes / seconds values using the TIME(hours ; minutes ; seconds) function. Now, you can use the cell formatting templates to generate an output like [min]'[sec]/km with the following format code


    and do calculations.

    BTW: you could also use the MOD() function to get the seconds part:
