i have a folder in the database user/user1 i want to write a name and phone to it i am testing this with in rules playground
location = /user/user1
Data (JSON)
"name": "value",
"phone": "value"
".read": true,
".write": true,
".validate" : "newData.child('name').exists() && newData.child('phone').exists() "
This is working as i expected. If i put only the name, it will get denied. So that's good, and now i want also get denied if there is a 3rd value:
"name": "value",
"phone": "value",
"data": "value"
Here is a security problem. If anyone adds a random value to this location, then i will get a large bill from firebase. I am afraid of this, or i am just getting paranoid?
It sounds like you want to disallow, which you can do by naming the allowed properties and then rejecting anything else with a so-called wildcard catch-all variable:
".read": true,
".write": true,
".validate": "newData.hasChildren(['name', 'phone'])", // 👈 you must always have these
"name": {
".validate": true // 👈 you probably should validate the format here
"phone": {
".validate": true // 👈 and you should validate the format here too
"$others": {
".validate": false // 👈 other values are rejected
Also see my answer to Firebase realtime database rules to edit only existing fields, which covers a similar care