Search code examples

Android ViewModel with StateFlow - testing issue. Test never waits for next value

I have search view model like this. searchPoiUseCase doing requests to Room DB. For testing purposes i am using Room.inMemoryDatabaseBuilder.

class SearchVm @Inject constructor(
    private val searchPoiUseCase: SearchPoiUseCase
) : ViewModel() {

    private val queryState = MutableStateFlow("")
    val searchScreenState = queryState
        .filter { it.isNotEmpty() }
        .map { query -> searchPoiUseCase(SearchPoiUseCase.Params(query)) }
        .map { result ->
            if (result.isEmpty()) SearchScreenUiState.NothingFound
            else SearchScreenUiState.SearchResult( { it.toListUiModel() })
    fun onSearch(query: String) {
        queryState.value = query


On the device this logic works perfectly fine. But i can't succeed with Unit Testing this logic. Here is my unit test:

@Config(application = HiltTestApplication::class)
class SearchViewModelTest {

    var hiltRule = HiltAndroidRule(this)

    lateinit var searchUseCase: SearchPoiUseCase

    lateinit var SUT: SearchVm

    fun setup() {
        SUT = SearchVm(searchUseCase)

    fun teardown() {

    fun `test search view model`() = runTest {
        val collectJob = launch { SUT.searchScreenState.collect() }
        assertEquals(SearchScreenUiState.None, SUT.searchScreenState.value)

        assertEquals(SearchScreenUiState.NothingFound, SUT.searchScreenState.value)


The second assertion always failed. Am i missing something? Thanks in advance!

UPDATED Thanks to Ibrahim Disouki

His solution working for me with one change

    fun `test search view model`() = runTest {
        whenever(searchUseCase(SearchPoiUseCase.Params("Query"))).thenReturn(emptyList()) // here you can create another test case when return valid data

        assertEquals(SearchScreenUiState.None, SUT.searchScreenState.value)

        val job = launch {
            SUT.searchScreenState.collect() //now it should work

        advanceTimeBy(500) // This is required in order to bypass debounce(500)
        runCurrent() // Run any pending tasks at the current virtual time, according to the testScheduler.

        assertEquals(SearchScreenUiState.NothingFound, SUT.searchScreenState.value)



  • Please check the following references:

    Also, your view model can be run with the regular JUnit test runner as it does not contain any specific Android framework dependencies. Check my working and tested version of your unit test:

    import junit.framework.TestCase.assertEquals
    import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
    import kotlinx.coroutines.ExperimentalCoroutinesApi
    import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.collect
    import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
    import kotlinx.coroutines.test.*
    import org.junit.After
    import org.junit.Before
    import org.junit.Test
    import org.junit.runner.RunWith
    import org.mockito.Mock
    import org.mockito.junit.MockitoJUnitRunner
    import org.mockito.kotlin.whenever
    class SearchViewModelTest {
        private lateinit var searchUseCase: SearchPoiUseCase
        lateinit var SUT: SearchVm
        fun setup() {
            SUT = SearchVm(searchUseCase)
        fun teardown() {
        fun `test search view model`() = runTest {
            whenever(searchUseCase(SearchPoiUseCase.Params("Query"))).thenReturn(emptyList()) // here you can create another test case when return valid data
            assertEquals(SearchScreenUiState.None, SUT.searchScreenState.value)
            val job = launch {
                SUT.searchScreenState.collect() //now it should work
            runCurrent() // Run any pending tasks at the current virtual time, according to the testScheduler.
            assertEquals(SearchScreenUiState.NothingFound, SUT.searchScreenState.value)

    Another important thing from mocking the SearchPoiUseCase is to manipulating its result to be able to test more cases for example:

    • Return an empty list
    • Return a list of results.
    • etc...