I have a class that relies on WeakReference<Fragment>
class ExampleManager(reference: WeakReference<Fragment>)
How would I inject ExampleManager
val exampleModule = module {
factory { ExampleManager(get()) }
private val exmpManager: ExampleManager by inject()
At the end I receive error:
No definition found for class:'java.lang.ref.WeakReference'. Check your definitions!
How can I implement definition for WeakReference<Fragment>
in my case?
In order to inject a WeakReference using Koin, you can create a factory function that creates the WeakReference and use it in your Koin module definition.
Here's an example:
// Factory function to create WeakReference<Fragment>
fun createWeakRef(fragment: Fragment) = WeakReference(fragment)
// Koin module definition
val exampleModule = module {
factory { (fragment: Fragment) -> ExampleManager(createWeakRef(fragment)) }
Then, you can use the by inject() delegate to inject the ExampleManager class in your activity or fragment:
class ExampleFragment : Fragment() {
private val exmpManager: ExampleManager by inject { parametersOf(this) }
// ...
Here, parametersOf(this) is used to pass the current fragment instance to the factory function.
It is important to mention that, WeakReference is a java class and you should import it using import java.lang.ref.WeakReference
Make sure you have included the created module in your Koin's startKoin function
i recommend to use'lazy' when you are injecting instances that are only used in certain conditions, this can help to avoid unnecessary instantiation and memory leaks.
private val exmpManager: ExampleManager by inject { parametersOf(this) }.lazy
This way, exmpManager will be instantiated only when it is accessed for the first time.