I am doing 5 things inside a try/catch. If there is a error, how can i tell which function the error is coming from. so on line Console.WriteLine("Invalid operation");
I want it to display which function the error is so that its easy to debug.
I am trying to avoid using 5 different try/catch in Main OnGet() method. I was thinking to put try/catch inside each sub-method but I am return IQueryable so I wont be able to return error as type string. even so I will end up have 5 different if statement to check for error in OnGet()
How do you guys handle something like this?
public async Task<IActionResult> OnGetAsync(int p = 1, int s = 20)
// get all Data
IQueryable<MY_Model> Query = await _services.Get_All_CoursesTaken();
// Add Filters
Query = AddFilters(Query );
// Add Sorting
Query = AddSorting(Query );
// Add Paging
Query = AddPaging(p, s, Query );
//Display Data
My_List= await Query.AsNoTracking().ToListAsync();
catch (InvalidOperationException)
Console.WriteLine("Invalid operation");
return Page();
private IQueryable<MY_Model> AddFilters(IQueryable<MY_Model> Query)
//some code
private IQueryable<MY_Model> AddSorting(IQueryable<MY_Model> Query)
//some code
private IQueryable<MY_Model> AddPaging(int p, int s, IQueryable<MY_Model> Query)
//some code
Maybe your solution is:
You can return IQueryable and String as return type in methods.
private Tuple<IQueryable<MY_Model>,string> AddFilters(IQueryable<MY_Model> Query)