TL;DR: Is there some parameter or way to set the offset at which LazyVStack initialises views?
LazyVStack initialises the views lazily, so when I scroll, the next (few?) views are initialised. I am loading an image once a view is drawn, using SDWebImage Package in swift. This takes a view milliseconds, and since I am using a LazyVStack, if one scrolls fast (even within reasonable limits), the placeholder is visible for a short moment, because the view has just been created a (too) short moment ago. If I scroll very slowly, the image loads just before the view appears, so no placeholder is visible.
If I could make the LazyVStack initialise the views just a few milliseconds earlier my problem would be gone...
Once would think this is a pretty common problem, timing this initialisation just right so as not to load too early or too late.. but nothing at all in the docs about this
Quick answer to the question: no
That being said, in this case there is still a solution:
Since I was using SDWebImageSwiftUI
before, simply calling the following already before the view starts to initialise solved my problem:
SDWebImagePrefetcher.shared.prefetchURLs(urls) { finishedCount, skippedCount in
print("preloading complete")
then in my LazyVStack I use:
LazyVStack {
ForEach(items, id: \.self) { item in
ItemView(item: item)
.onAppear {
// calling function to prefetch next x-items by their url