I have a property which generates with lines of string. I'm trying to retrieve/store the first line only instead of all the lines.
I was trying to do something like this but it prints all the lines:
<for param="line" list="${targetDeviceUDID}" delimiter="${line.separator}">
<sequential >
You can use Ant's filterchain
ability with the headfilter
to accomplish this.
<project name="build" default="echo-first-line">
<target name="echo-first-line">
<property name="input" value="abc${line.separator}def${line.separator}123${line.separator}456" />
<echo message="Input:${line.separator}${input}" />
<echo message="${line.separator}" />
<loadresource property="output">
<propertyresource name="input" />
<headfilter lines="1" />
<echo message="Output:${line.separator}${output}" />