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Not able to parse JSON data from text file using python script

I have a '.txt' file that contains JSON data like below.

[{'tradable': True, 'mode': 'full', 'instrument_token': 4708097, 'last_price': 178.65, 'last_traded_quantity': 5, 'average_traded_price': 180.1, 'volume_traded': 4581928, 'total_buy_quantity': 1282853, 'total_sell_quantity': 1673842, 'ohlc': {'open': 181.95, 'high': 181.95, 'low': 177.8, 'close': 181.0}, 'change': -1.2983425414364609, 'last_trade_time': datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 12, 13, 4, 58), 'oi': 0, 'oi_day_high': 0, 'oi_day_low': 0, 'exchange_timestamp': datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 12, 13, 5, 1), 'depth': {'buy': [{'quantity': 653, 'price': 178.6, 'orders': 8}, {'quantity': 2408, 'price': 178.55, 'orders': 15}, {'quantity': 6329, 'price': 178.5, 'orders': 22}, {'quantity': 9161, 'price': 178.45, 'orders': 24}, {'quantity': 7775, 'price': 178.4, 'orders': 17}], 'sell': [{'quantity': 5726, 'price': 178.7, 'orders': 8}, {'quantity': 4099, 'price': 178.75, 'orders': 11}, {'quantity': 23951, 'price': 178.8, 'orders': 25}, {'quantity': 7446, 'price': 178.85, 'orders': 21}, {'quantity': 11379, 'price': 178.9, 'orders': 21}]}}, {'tradable': True, 'mode': 'full', 'instrument_token': 871681, 'last_price': 972.55, 'last_traded_quantity': 1, 'average_traded_price': 973.85, 'volume_traded': 411290, 'total_buy_quantity': 152925, 'total_sell_quantity': 214765, 'ohlc': {'open': 971.75, 'high': 978.6, 'low': 969.0, 'close': 967.75}, 'change': 0.4959958667011061, 'last_trade_time': datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 12, 13, 4, 53), 'oi': 0, 'oi_day_high': 0, 'oi_day_low': 0, 'exchange_timestamp': datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 12, 13, 5, 4), 'depth': {'buy': [{'quantity': 6, 'price': 972.15, 'orders': 2}, {'quantity': 3, 'price': 972.1, 'orders': 2}, {'quantity': 15, 'price': 972.05, 'orders': 3}, {'quantity': 455, 'price': 972.0, 'orders': 16}, {'quantity': 14, 'price': 971.95, 'orders': 2}], 'sell': [{'quantity': 6, 'price': 972.5, 'orders': 3}, {'quantity': 49, 'price': 972.55, 'orders': 2}, {'quantity': 10, 'price': 972.6, 'orders': 1}, {'quantity': 27, 'price': 972.65, 'orders': 2}, {'quantity': 10, 'price': 972.7, 'orders': 1}]}}]

This data was written to a .txt file after it was recieved from zerodha websocket. Now, I want to read the data from the .txt file using my python script and want to load it as a json. But the json.loads() method in python throws the below error. json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting property name enclosed in double quotes: line 1 column 3 (char 2)

I have tried eval and ast.literal_eval methods in python as well but it didn't solve my problem. All I want is to be able to read the above data as a JSON to my python script. Any leads would be of great help.


  • Let me start off with THIS IS A BAD IDEA.

    The comments on the question call out that this is not a JSON object in a file, rather the result of some other Python process printing the result and putting that in a file. The correct solution would be to modify the producer to use json.dumps() instead.

    That aside, here's a DANGEROUS way to read that source file into a Python object.

    import datetime  # needed for `eval()`
    with open('textfile.txt', 'r') as f:
        data = eval(
    from pprint import pprint

    This will produce the following output from that input:

    [{'average_traded_price': 180.1,
      'change': -1.2983425414364609,
      'depth': {'buy': [{'orders': 8, 'price': 178.6, 'quantity': 653},
                        {'orders': 15, 'price': 178.55, 'quantity': 2408},
                        {'orders': 22, 'price': 178.5, 'quantity': 6329},
                        {'orders': 24, 'price': 178.45, 'quantity': 9161},
                        {'orders': 17, 'price': 178.4, 'quantity': 7775}],
                'sell': [{'orders': 8, 'price': 178.7, 'quantity': 5726},
                         {'orders': 11, 'price': 178.75, 'quantity': 4099},
                         {'orders': 25, 'price': 178.8, 'quantity': 23951},
                         {'orders': 21, 'price': 178.85, 'quantity': 7446},
                         {'orders': 21, 'price': 178.9, 'quantity': 11379}]},
      'exchange_timestamp': datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 12, 13, 5, 1),
      'instrument_token': 4708097,
      'last_price': 178.65,
      'last_trade_time': datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 12, 13, 4, 58),
      'last_traded_quantity': 5,
      'mode': 'full',
      'ohlc': {'close': 181.0, 'high': 181.95, 'low': 177.8, 'open': 181.95},
      'oi': 0,
      'oi_day_high': 0,
      'oi_day_low': 0,
      'total_buy_quantity': 1282853,
      'total_sell_quantity': 1673842,
      'tradable': True,
      'volume_traded': 4581928},
     {'average_traded_price': 973.85,
      'change': 0.4959958667011061,
      'depth': {'buy': [{'orders': 2, 'price': 972.15, 'quantity': 6},
                        {'orders': 2, 'price': 972.1, 'quantity': 3},
                        {'orders': 3, 'price': 972.05, 'quantity': 15},
                        {'orders': 16, 'price': 972.0, 'quantity': 455},
                        {'orders': 2, 'price': 971.95, 'quantity': 14}],
                'sell': [{'orders': 3, 'price': 972.5, 'quantity': 6},
                         {'orders': 2, 'price': 972.55, 'quantity': 49},
                         {'orders': 1, 'price': 972.6, 'quantity': 10},
                         {'orders': 2, 'price': 972.65, 'quantity': 27},
                         {'orders': 1, 'price': 972.7, 'quantity': 10}]},
      'exchange_timestamp': datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 12, 13, 5, 4),
      'instrument_token': 871681,
      'last_price': 972.55,
      'last_trade_time': datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 12, 13, 4, 53),
      'last_traded_quantity': 1,
      'mode': 'full',
      'ohlc': {'close': 967.75, 'high': 978.6, 'low': 969.0, 'open': 971.75},
      'oi': 0,
      'oi_day_high': 0,
      'oi_day_low': 0,
      'total_buy_quantity': 152925,
      'total_sell_quantity': 214765,
      'tradable': True,
      'volume_traded': 411290}]

    Again, I will restate, THIS IS A BAD IDEA.

    Read more on the specifics of eval here: