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factory_boy: make a factory that returns the result of a function

I have a function that generates a list of objects. The objects have complex relationships that are handled in the generator function.

How do I make a factory (not a SubFactory!) that, when asked to generate a value, just calls this function?


  • Under the hood, a simple factory.Factory will simply call its Meta.model, using the parameters as kwargs.

    For instance, in order to call, one could use the following factory:

    class ProcessFactory(factory.Factory):
      class Meta:
        model =
      class Params:
        # Require the program being passed separately from its options.
        program = "ls"
        opts = ()
      args = factory.LazyAttribute(lambda o: [o.program] + list(o.opts))
      check = True
      capture_output = True

    and use it as:

    >>> ProcessFactory(opts=["-a", "-h", "."], cwd="/tmp")

    As you can see:

    • The factory simply called the function provided in Meta.model, passing all declarations as kwargs, and returned the function's return value;
    • Fields declared in class Params aren't passed to the function;
    • One can freely use all kinds of factory_boy declarations.

    If your function expects positional arguments, the Meta.inline_args option can be used to convert kwargs into positional arguments.