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Go dlv: Failed to launch Version of go is too old for this verion of delve

I am getting this error while running the project in debug mode.

Failed to launch Version of go is too old for this verion of delve(minimum supported version 1.15)

enter image description here

Currently go 1.13 is installed in my machine. If I upgrade go to the version 1.15 debugger is working fine. But this not the solution I am looking for. I want to make the debugger work with the current version of go. If you have any solution for this please let me know.

Thanks for your help in advance.


  • It's possible to disable the warning, but the recommended is downgrade Delve.

    To disable the warning:

    • Open launch.json
    • Add this flag: "dlvFlags": ["--check-go-version=false"]

    To downgrade Delve:

    go install<DELVE_VERSION>

    Example: Downgrade to 1.7.3:

    go install

    Check the Delve version for seeing that is installed:

    dlv version

    More details in: